Thursday, May 10, 2007

Annual Horseshoe Crab Count & Celebration

Do you know how many horseshoe crabs live in Long Island Sound? SoundWaters needs your help in gearing up for the organization's annual Horseshoe Crab Count. The kick-off event is Saturday, May 19 from 1 to 4:30 p.m. at the SoundWaters' Coastal Center at Cove Island Park in Stamford.

Long before dinosaurs existed and flowering plants covered the earth, these unique creatures filled the shores along the northern Atlantic Coast of North America. It is a phenomenon that continues to this day, and each year SoundWaters looks for volunteers to help count the spawning crabs that flood the beaches of Long Island Sound.

The day will include census training, a presentation by a horseshoe crab expert and students from K.T. Murphy Elementary School, who will present a bilingual horseshoe crab story written by the students themselves. In addition, there will be arts and crafts activities and an up-close-and-personal look at horseshoe crabs in the center's touch-and-feel tank.

The event is ideal for groups, organizations, families or other individuals who want to learn more about these ancient creatures and their importance to the ecology of Long Island Sound. For more information, contact SoundWaters at 406-3302, by e-mail at, or visit

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