Thursday, March 01, 2007

Women in the Outdoors, Griswold, 4/1/07

On Sunday, April 1, there will be a Women in the Outdoors program at the Pachaug Outdoor Club on Lathrop Road in Griswold from 8 a.m. to 5 pm.The National Wild Turkey Federation under the guidance of their regional director Pat Thompson is sponsoring the program. Any woman or girl who is interested in learning any of a wide variety of outdoor skills along with other women should check this out. Classes offered at this event include: outdoor photography, mountain biking, basic shot gunning, reiki, letter boxing, personal safety, black powder shooting, turkey hunting and gardening.

The event will be held rain, sun or snow and preregistration is required due to limited space in sessions. The cost is $40 ($45 after March 10). Contact Pat Thompson at 401-491-9047 or for information on this or other events throughout the New England area.

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