Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thames River Striped Bass Tournament

The 2007 Dime Bank/Connecticut Outdoors Thames River Striped Bass Tournament will be held May 18-19.
  • As in the past, this is a Thames River-only event, with fishing allowed from Greenville Dam down to the Interstate 95 bridge. Once again, it is an overnight event, with fishing apparently starting after the Captain's Meeting on Friday and final weigh-in time at 5 p.m. Saturday. This is a well-run event that is lots of fun and often challenging to fish, especially with such a late starting date.

  • Some years, when temps are cool, mid-May is great striper fishing in the river, while other years the big fish are pretty much gone from the river. We won't know what will be transpiring until just before, which makes this such an interesting and challenging fishing tournament.

  • Cost is $50 adults and $25 kids under 16. Contact Diane Nadeau at or call 428-7739 for information and entry forms. (Bob Sampson, Norwich Bulletin)

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