Monday, August 08, 2005

Cool stuff for August - not just fishing

Monarch Butterfly migration will be passing through Long Island this month on its annual epic flight, 2,000 miles and more, to Mexico, where it will spend the winter. The monarchs started congregating on Long Island last month. They laid eggs on milkweed plants and, by late this month, the eggs will have metamorphosed into adult caterpillars. This new generation will start its southward odyssey in late August and early September. Scientists hypothesize that the monarchs navigate by the sun and, on cloudy days, rely on a sensitivity to the Earth's magnetic field. They're not hard to find. They congregate around weedy areas, fields and water courses. You'll also find them flying inshore on the Sound.

If you haven't been to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge: SANCTUARY STROLL. Don Riepe, director of the Northeast Chapter of the American Littoral Society, will lead a three-hour fall migration and shorebird walk through the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, starting at 11 a.m. Aug. 27. Sponsored by the Seatuck Environmental Association, the walk will start at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Broad Channel. For directions to the meeting point, call 631-581-6908. [org pub NY Newsday, by Larua Mann].

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