Saturday, July 16, 2005

NJ Congressmen advocate limit on menhaden stocks

The concern recreational fishermen have about the levels of menhaden stocks is shared by members of Congress. Reps. H. James Saxton, R-NJ, and Frank Pallone Jr., D-NJ, are both aware of the possible effects on the recreational fishery of a decline in menhaden numbers. Pallone said he is in favor of a cap on the menhaden reduction fleet's landings of fish from state waters along the coast. He recently wrote the ASMFC expressing his support for a cap, and other thoughts, in the Draft Addendum II to Amendment I of the commission's interstate fishery management plan for bunkers.

"This action is necessary to provide time to assess the status of Atlantic menhaden and protect stocks, particularly in the Chesapeake Bay," he stressed. "A decline in the menhaden numbers will cause multiple problems for a variety of fish stocks along our coast," he added. "Atlantic menhaden serve as food for several game species including striped bass, bluefish and weakfish. "Their decline could have serious negative impacts on the striped bass fishery, which is very important to the valuable recreational fishing industry in New Jersey," he pointed out.

"In addition to imposing a cap, the commission should conduct more research on Atlantic menhaden, using multi-species models when possible, to assess causes and effects of the species' decline," he continued. "I also want to ensure that the more stringent rules in place for New Jersey state waters remain intact, and that you consider potential increased pressure on the federal waters off the state's coast," he concluded. "I encourage the commission to maintain these state regulations while working to make sure the reduction fishery does not deplete the coastal Atlantic menhaden stocks."

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